Use of a Tenaculum

Purpose of a Tenaculum
Stabilize the cervix to allow passage of sound and IUD through the os
Straighten any irregularities in the cervical canal
Straighten uterine curvatures or flexion
To Place
Dominant hand in “palm-up” position
Thumb in one ring
Middle or ring finger in the other ring

Choose Site for Placement
Anterior lip
Posterior lip
Typically a horizontal bite, some prefer vertical
Do not occlude os!
Size of Bite
1-1.5 cm wide
1 cm deep
Not too shallow- may tear through
Not too deep- unnecessary
Do not occlude os!
Closing Ratchet
Once the teeth are in contact with the cervix, press into the tissue
Close the ratchet only 1-2 clicks
Close the ratchet silently
Once the ratchet is closed, test your application gently to be sure it is secure
Squeeze teeth together EXCEEDINGLY slowly
Have patient cough at application (hold onto speculum!)
1 cc Local anesthetic to tenaculum site
Use When Sounding
Change hands; hold the tenaculum with the non-dominant hand while sounding and for IUD placement
OK to let tenaculum lay on speculum when picking up the sound or IUD
Tenaculum Hand Position While Sounding and for IUD Placement
Thumb on one side of ratchet and fingers on the other
Avoid the rings
Avoid inadvertent movements
USE the tenaculum
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